Continuum use local repository defined in ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml
${maven.home}/conf/settings.xml isn't used by continuum, it use an other general settings.xml in a continuum sub-directory. You can find the location of it in your logs.


Thibaut Cazenave a écrit :

I've just noticed that Continuum 1.0.3 uses the default M2 repo located in

In my case I defined a specific M2 local repository in the M2 settings.xmlfile : <localRepository>/appli/projects/MAVEN/repositories/couplage-local-repository</localRepository>

I was sure that Continuum used this local repo until I found out that the
/home partition was full on my server...

Why Continuum doesn't use the local repository I defined in settings.xml ?

Thanx for your help.


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