I have changed my multi-project build so it only builds the parent pom without --non-recursive. My parent pom is <packaging>pom</packaging> and the only thing that gets copied to the internal "Deployment Repository" is the parent pom. Is this the expected behavior? I would like to have all my module artifacts as well as artifacts created by the assembly plugin put into this repository. Is this possible?


-- Mark R

Mark Reynolds wrote:
I should have mentioned that I am not talking about the local repository used by maven (in .m2). Artifacts created with the assembly plugin get installed in there just fine.

Rather, I can't see how to get them to install into the local repository configured in Continuum 1.0.3. Should I be able to do this?


-- Mark Reynolds

Mark Reynolds wrote:
The primary artifact from each of my pom's are copied into Continuum's repository, but not the additional artifacts that are created using the assembly plugin. Is there a way to make this happen?

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