On 12/22/06, Jesse McConnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
if you are running with the continuum-plexus-runtime then your only
interaction with the jsps is through the continuum-webapp
artifact...which would need to be regenerated and then reloaded in the

Yes, that all makes sense; that's what I was expecting.

Your only option here would be an underhanded modification
of the jsps where they are unpacked and then cut and paste them back
into the jsp's in the webapp for longer lasting changes...*icky*

Ouch! So there's no way to have the c-p-r reload the WAR? Even if it
means restarting the c-p-r?

mvn jetty:run  <- in continuum-webapp

Yes, I know about this (it's what I tried first, several days ago) but
as you mentioned this is broken.

Last night while working on adding a new page to Continuum I noticed
that things now suddenly worked (after mvn clean install in the
Continuum root) that didn't work before when I was just rebuilding and
redeploying the WAR (in JBoss). (I'm new to WebWork so I've had to do
a lot of trial and error.)

I find this all a bit scary, the build appears rather fragile? I had
expected the exact opposite because from what little time I have spent
with Continuum it seems to be designed quite cleanly. Or is it just
me? Maybe I'm doing weird things? All I did was add a new JSP... :-(


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