Yeah.....I am battling with the same thing

Should be fixed in 1.1-alpha-#


-----Original Message-----
From: Shaun Barriball [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 21 May 2007 11:41
Subject: Project build order for multiple Maven 2 projects -
Alphabetical by Project Name?

Hi all,
We've been using Continuum (1.0.3) successfully as part of our automated
build and deploy for 6 months or so.
We have one big issue which I'd appreciate input on.

We have a large software system with 15 or so separate Maven 2 projects
(assume for simplicity Project A, Project B and Project C) which each
sub-modules. Assume the dependency tree is:
A -> depends on C -> depends on B (for example). These dependencies are
expressed using Maven 2 dependency hierarchy.

The "Build All" function on Continuum appears to ignore any Maven 2
dependency hierarchy and simply builds them in alphabetical order of the
Project Name. This therefore builds the above example out of order -
resulting in build failures.

* Should continuum 'understand' the dependency tree? I've read some
which implies this should potentially be the case

* If not, is there a way to organise the build order for "Build All"
and beyond altering the project names with "1.", "2." etc (which is
obviously undesirable)?

All help appreciated.

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