When you start continuum 1.0.3 for the first time, 
apps/continuum-plexus-application-1.0.3.jar is unpacked under apps/continuum
If you want to reinstall continuum, you'll need to modify the view.vm in this jar but if you don't reinstall it, to prevent to replace your modifications in apps/continuum/webapp/templates/screens/View.vm, you must modify View.vm in apps/continuum/lib/continuum-web-1.0.3.jar


Oscar Picasso a écrit :

I badly need to solve the problem below in order to use continuum.

Any idea ?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Oscar Picasso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Aug 13, 2007 2:53 PM
Subject: Where to change a template?
To: continuum-users@maven.apache.org


I am trying to change the View.vm template to hide the arguments if the user
has no editProject rights.

It works fine if I change

However when I restart continuum the modified template is replaced with the
original one.

I have also tried to change <path-to-continuum>\apps\continuum-
plexus-application-1.0.3.jar > continuum-web-1.0.3.jar > View.vm but this
doesn't prevent the modified template to be replaced with the new one.

Where to I need to change the template to make the changes permanent?



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