in 1.1, you can configure <alwaysSend> in 

and smtp conf must be done in conf/plexus.xml, it's a jndi config that didn't 
exist in 1.0.3


Mark_E a écrit :
Hello, I am currently testing Version 1.0.3 and Version 1.1 beta 2. When a build
in version 1.0.3 completes, I have it set to send an email automatically. I
set the <alwaysSend> value in the application.xml to true so that I get an
email regardless.
In version 1.1 beta 2, I cannot find the same value thus if there is not
change to the code, I do not get an email after the build completes. Does
anyone know how to change this in 1.1 beta 2 so that it will always send an

I tried adding the ici notifier section from the application.xml in 1.0.3 to
the plexus.xml in 1.1 beta 2 but it does not seem to recognize this. (This
is the setion that has the alwaysSend value defined.

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