I am in the process of converting a large project from Subversion/Ant/CruiseControl to Subversion/Maven/Continuum(1.1-beta-2).

One of the things done on the CruiseControl machine is to restore a database to a known state before the build starts (so the integration tests run during the build start with a known state, and it is only done once per build for performance reasons).

Another thing done currently, is that if the build is successful, then a Subversion copy of the source tree is saved as the last known successful build (from which tags and branches are created when needed).

Under Continuum, is there a prescribed way to perform such one time, pre- and post-build work? I have currently placed the pre-build work in the 'root' pom.xml file (is there a better way?), but haven't figured how to gain control after a build completes and test if was successful and perform the svn copy.


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