I've looked at JabberContinuumNotifier and I have some questions on how I create my own notifier.

1. Once I write my notifier by extending AbstractContinuumNotifier, how do I install it. In other words, where do I put it the class file? Can I jar up all my classes and place them somewhere?

2. Can someone explain how I am suppose to configure my notifier in apps/continuum/conf/application.xml?

* It looks like the <requirement> tag is suppose to define some classes that my notifier is dependent on. Is this true?

* What's allowed in the <configuration> tag? For example, I need things like login ID, password, and URL to configure the notifier. I assume I add tags for this in <configuration>. Is this true? If so, then how do I get to this information from my notifier?

Thanks in advance,
Michael Masters

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