You can change the tasks continuum executes in a Maven 2 project. For example, every 5 minutes, check for a change in your SCM and if changed, run mvn test phase, and every day, run mvn release.


Nick Stolwijk

deckrider wrote:
Thanks, I've done a little testing and the release plugin seems to do
what I'm looking for.

But I'm curious ... to use it with Continuum 1.0.3, do I now have add
a 'Shell Project' instead of a 'Maven 2.0+ project'?

On 10/25/07, Nick Stolwijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You are looking for the release plugin [1]. Use the batch-mode to do it
from continuum. (

mvn --batch-mode release:prepare)

Test it first on a simple project, but I guess you CI task will execute "mvn 
release:prepare release perform --batch-mode".


Nick Stolwijk


deckrider wrote:
I am new to maven and continuum, and have downloaded the latest stable
version of continuum and done some simple tests.

However, I would like to do the following, and I don't know how
(barely even how to ask):

Our version numbers are something like MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO.  I would
like each build to automatically increment MICRO and build / svn tag
as such, as well as save the artifacts somewhere.

I would be grateful for any pointers or documentation as to how this
might be done.

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