On Mon, November 5, 2007 10:23 am, VanIngen, Erik (ESTG) wrote:

> We are using continuum 1.1-beta-3 on Windows 2000. It is working fine but
> today all of the sudden there is this message:
> ****************************************************************************
> Build Error:
> ****************************************************************************
> Provider message: The svn command failed.
> Command output:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> svn: Working copy '.' locked
> svn: run 'svn cleanup' to remove locks (type 'svn help cleanup' for
> details)
> Type 'svn help' for usage.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Does anyone have any idea how to solve this?

It is a message from the svn command (invoked by continuum) to say that
the working copy it is using is locked, and so it cannot continue.

svn protects the working copy while it is working with it by locking the
working copy. If you kill svn (by stopping continuum while it is busy for
example), then the working copy stays locked, and you need to run "svn
cleanup" to fix it.

Find the directory containing your working copy inside continuum, and run
"svn cleanup", or alternatively just delete the working copy, and
continuum will check out a fresh one from scratch.


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