ArneD a écrit :
I noticed two problems with building the root of a projcet as a recursive
build. I'm still on 1.1-beta-3, but at least from the release notes I could
not see anything that this has been changed for 1.1-beta-4 or the 1.1 RC.

First of all, when adding a Maven 2.0+ project using a POM url, with the
checkbox "For multi modules project, load only root as recursive build"
enabled, still all sub-modules get added to Continuum and must be removed
manually afterwards.

I can't remember if it was a problem inbeta-3 but I tested with beta-4 and 1.1 
final (that should be released in few days) and I have only the parent pom 

The second problem is regarding automatic builds in case one of the
dependencies has changed. Only the dependencies of the root module seem to
be considered. The "project information" page on multi-module projects also
only shows the dependencies of the root module.

If you use the recursive mode without sub-modules, continuum doesn't know 
sub-modules so it doesn't know sub-dependencies.

In future versions, you'll can add some dependencies between continuum projects 
to create links between them but not in 1.1


Am I missing something? Should I file an issue?

- Arne

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