
I receive a StackOverflowError when using XMLRPC with Continuum.
It happens at line 224 & 231 of ContinuumServiceImpl :

    protected String getProjectGroupName( int projectGroupId )
        throws ContinuumException
        ProjectGroupSummary pgs = getPGSummary( projectGroupId );
        return pgs.getName();

    private ProjectGroupSummary getPGSummary( int projectGroupId )
        throws ContinuumException
        checkViewProjectGroupAuthorization( getProjectGroupName( 
projectGroupId ) );

        org.apache.maven.continuum.model.project.ProjectGroup projectGroup 
            continuum.getProjectGroup( projectGroupId );
        return populateProjectGroupSummary( projectGroup );

It happens when I execute updateBuildDefinitionOnProjectGroup.

Do you think it's normal ?
Do you have some clues ?
What can I do to correct the problem ?

Thanks for your response.
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