It would appear, that everything is back up!  That went smoother than I hoped.  
Please let me know (off list) if you run in to any problems.  I also updated 
Mailman, and I’m hoping it will take care of a digest bug that some of you are 


> On May 7, 2020, at 7:09 PM, Seth Seeger <> wrote:
> Hello Shared Weight community,
> I’m sorry for the short notice, but I need to move the mailing lists to a 
> different host this evening.  There will be some down time between now and 
> 10pm EST.  No messages will be lost, though there may be duplicates in the 
> digests.
> I’ll send another email once the move is complete.
> Nitty gritty details:  AWS hosting looked like the right option, but their 
> pricing structure is not clear.  Turns out to cost nearly 2x what I had 
> expected.  I am moving us (back) to Linode, where we should have stayed all 
> along.  Better service, clear pricing, good support.  
> Seth

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