Okay. Thanks for the feedback! I may run it a little shorter. 

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On Saturday, April 30, 2022, 1:44 PM, Ridge Kennedy <rid...@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm sensitive to that sort of thing. It's not been an issue at all that I've 
experienced. ( I've danced it a few times). The circular motion gets reversed a 
couple of times. I guess it could be an issue for some dancers but ... Not in 
my experience and I've not gotten negative feedback. My two cents. R

Ridge Kennedy
West Orange, NJ (Exit 145)
If you stumble, make it part of the dance.
On Sat, Apr 30, 2022, 1:37 PM Laur <lc...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Ragtime Sammy fun. And Works to the tempo That band plays too however when I 
walk it through it seems like it could be rather dizzying ? 


Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Friday, April 29, 2022, 12:25 AM, Amy Cann via Contra Callers 
<contracallers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:


On 4/28/22, Ridge Kennedy via Contra Callers
<contracallers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
> Balance the Star qualifies as a chestnut and works well. The stars
> encourage a little hand jive action that is a lot of fun.
> Here's my go-to dance for raggy tune sets which stole a good bit from
> Balance the Star -- and Beaumont would work just fine with it.
> (And per what I think others said, tembo matters. It's no fun -- not even
> very raggy at -- warp speed.)
> Ragtime Sammy
> Contra, Duple, Improper
> Ridge Kennedy
>        20
> A-1  Right Hands Across Star                    (8)      Left Hands Across
> Star                          (8)
> A-2  Gents Turn Back over right shoulder (peel off) make eye contact
> and and swing Neighbor
> (a short gypsy)                                    (4-6)    Long Swing
>                                      (12-10)
> B-1  Circle Left Three Quarters                (8)      Partner
> Swing                                          (8)
> B-2  Ladies Allemande Right 1 1/2        (8)      Neighbor Allemande Left
> 1 1/2            (8)
> Notes: The first version of this dance was made up in about 2013 for a
> dance with Big Phat American K-Lee Band in Glen Echo. Early in the program
> – maybe first dance, the band was going to do a set of rags.  So we wanted
> a dance that would work well with rags and that was pretty easy – a starter
> upper. The only tricky bit here is moving from the allemande left with
> neighbors to the next star. Just keep dancers mindful of which way they
> will be going to progress, and it will work out fine.
> The idea behind using the hands across stars was to encourage dancers to
> use their free hands to do a little hand jive if the music so inspired
> them.  And so it did.  The final ending sequence for the dance was finally
> locked in place during 2015, I think.  For all the time the dance was
> evolving it was my “raggy, starry hand jive dance.”  Recently though,
> noting that bands frequently included Ragtime Annie in their raggy sets and
> since (little known secret here) my first name is Samuel – well Ragtime
> Sammy seems like a fitting title. Yeah, it’s a silly little dance, but when
> the music is right, dancers really do feel encouraged to get into the hand
> jive and more.
> Ridge Kennedy [Exit 145]
> Hey -- I wrote a book! *Murder & Miss Austen's Ball. *
> It's a novel with musical accompaniment. Now that's different.
> Read all about it here! <https://www.hedgehoghousebooks.com>
> On Thu, Apr 28, 2022 at 3:17 AM Colin Hume via Contra Callers <
> contracallers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
>> On Wed, 27 Apr 2022 16:46:36 -0400, Jacob or Nancy Bloom via Contra
>> Callers wrote:
>> > Balance The Star was written to go to Beaumont Rag.  It's a simple
>> dance, usually done as a Sicilian Circle, so it
>> > may not be what you want for your crowd.
>> That's the one I was going to suggest.  Here's how I explain it:
>> https://barndances.org.uk/detail.php?Title=Balance_the_Star
>> and the vital phrase is "turn your back on your partner" - if callers
>> can't get that across there is general confusion.
>> Also a contra by Susan Kevra where she actually specified "Beaumont Rag
>> and similar":
>> Country of Marriage
>> Longways      Becket, single prog.              32 bar rags
>> A1:    Circle left 3/4.  Do-si-do neighbour to a wave.
>> A2:    Balance right and left; ladies allemande left all the way
>> (rapidly).  Swing neighbour, finish facing across.
>> B1:    Right & left through.  Men allemande right 3/4 to meet next man;
>> allemande left with him 3/4 while ladies move to
>> left.
>> B2:    Balance and swing partner.
>> Dance: Susan Kevra -- English Dance & Song, Winter 1992.
>> Colin Hume
>> Email co...@colinhume.com      Web site http://colinhume.com
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