> On 8 Jul 2022, at 21:04, Michael Dyck via Contra Callers 
> <contracallers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
>> On 2022-07-08 10:18 a.m., playford1651--- via Contra Callers wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Does anybody recognise this dance:-
>> Duple minor, improper, double progression
>> Star right all the way, star left halfway, balance neighbour.
>> Swing neighbour, promenade across set, cross trail.
>> Square through 2 changes, swing next person.
> I'm not sure there are enough figures there for a standard-length contra. 
> What's the timing? (E.g., how does it fit to the musical phrases?)
> Is the "balance neighbour" with someone from the next minor set?

The balance is with your original neighbour at the end of the A1 and the swing 
neighbour T the beginning of A2.
> "Promenade across" followed by "cross trail" is unusual. Normally, the 
> promenade has you (and your neighbor, in this case) wheel around to face back 
> in; so then you do a cross trail from there? Or do you mean that after the 
> promenade, you *pass through* and then cross trail? (That would be less 
> unusual.)

Sorry, assumed that a cross trail was preceded by a pass through.
> And a cross trail would typically leave you moving up or down the set (toward 
> a new neighbor). So does the square-through start with a change on the side, 
> and then across?

No it starts facing across.

> I found one dance that starts the way you describe:
> "Revisiting Reel" by Al Olson
> https://www.ibiblio.org/contradance/thecallersbox/dance.php?id=3978
> Textually, the rest is fairly different, but I think it has a similar feel.

Similar but not a double progression.

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