Hello from Halifax!

I will preface this by saying that I consider myself a relatively "beginner" 
caller. I have been working on it for about 15 years now and I think I've 
become somewhat proficient at calling a very beginner-friendly sequence of 
dances at our monthly beginner-friendly dances here in Halifax - but that is 
about the extent of what I do.
And we rarely ever dance anything as involved as a Hey, here :)

One area where I definitely lack skill is communicating to our bands (we have 
4-5 groups who play for us regularly), in a succinct manner that doesn't ruffle 
their feathers, about what sort of a tune I want for each dance.

This task is made more difficult by the fact that I write (or heavily modify) 
pretty much all our dances, so I can't look online to find recommendations or 
videos of tunes that fit.

As far as I know, I am a polite and caring human who never sets out to put 
anyone down or show them that I know better. I try to be humble about the fact 
that i'm just learning and doing the best I can.  For example, last month, with 
apologies, I asked the band if they would mind quickly going through their 
planned tunes for the evening, so I could run through my dance program and try 
to assign a dance to each tune.

  Because I lack the vocabulary and experience to tell a band "for this dance, 
I need a tune with characteristics X and Y" - having them play the tune one 
time through (sometimes even just half of it!) is so far the most effective 
method i've found to get a tune that works for each dance.  It's also worth 
mentioning that our bands are not experienced contra bands - since we are the 
only contra group they work with - and most have limited sets to offer us - for 
example the last band came with 8 sets of tunes, to match up with the 8 dances 
I had planned.... so when I found one or two that weren't an ideal fit for 
anything, I did have to work quite hard  rearrange things a few times to slot 
everything in!

Anyhow it took about 7 minutes to do this, and I thanked them profusely, and 
the dance-tune meld went well! I thanked them again after.  But still, the lead 
musician told me after the event that she "didn't really appreciate being told 
which tune to play when" .  And that deflated me for sure :(

Anyhow, I welcome any grains of wisdom on this process generally (and/or a link 
if one exists to this amazing cdss online workshop I took years ago on matching 
tunes to dances/communicating with bands)....

but my specific question is this:

A *different* band - the one whose feathers I most often seem to ruffle haha - 
has always played a tune set somewhere in the evening, the past few times 
they've played for us, that no matter which dance I called to it, I felt it was 
always a really bad fit.

I never said anything bad about it, to be clear!! But after a few dances where 
it bummed me out every single time, I finally asked the lead musician via email 
(as politely as I could, putting all the blame on myself: "I just can't seem to 
find a dance that i'm able to call to this tune, would you mind leaving it out 
in the future?" ).

I got this response:
"The Queteux Pomerleau set that you are quoting can be removed - the speed of 
the dancers never gets up to a level to make that set effective. They are 
Quebecois tunes that we learned from Sue, but in Quebec they are danced to 
quite fast."

(This refers to Sue Songer who came as part of an amazing week-long workshop 
CDSS blessed us with about 8 years ago.)

Anyhow I was curious if anyone knows of this set, and could suggest some simple 
contra dances that would go well with it.

I confess I am not a fan of the feel of the tune for the context in which I 
call - most of the east-coasty jigs and reels that this band and our other 
bands play really get all the dancers cheering and stomping their feet, and 
this one never does....

But I want to be open minded about it :)

Kat K in Halifax
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