Complexity Swing by Roni Wiener, anyone?


On Tue, Sep 26, 2023 at 3:51 PM Neal Schlein via Contra Callers <> wrote:

> Hi Tony,
> I apologize for getting the attribution wrong – – I couldn’t remember
> which of you wrote the dance and guessed. I memorized it years ago from a
> callers manual written by Don Armstrong.
> Several notes about all that…
> The Folk Fellowship was reconstituted and went off-grid at the request of
> the LSF to avoid being at odds with the Shaw Roundup. Which was a bit
> silly, since it was many of the same people. It was on hiatus for some span
> between the late 70s and the 80s, but was back by the 90s and ran until
> imploding (permanently?) around 2005.
> It was good to see someone else mention Gib Gilbert.  He started teaching
> me to call shortly before his death, and I still consider him my
> stylistic mentor; my favorite calling compliment ever was from someone in
> Berea who said I sounded just like him.
> Also, Gib actually wrote the “mixer” I mentioned, which makes me realize
> it had to be in 1998 or 1999 because I hadn’t met my wife yet.  I’m
> probably the only one who remembers dancing it.
> As for Inflation Reel…it has always had a special place in my heart, and
> I use it often. The first time I tried to call anything was an utter
> disaster: the singing call Riverboat, with Calico & Boots’ occasional
> in-house band…except it turned out they didn’t really know the tune. The
> second attempt (six months later, to recorded music) was Inflation Reel. It
> started to go off the rails as well because I was staring at my notes until
> Gib intervened. His annoyed face suddenly appeared in my vision, he plucked
> the cue card from my hand, smacked it on the table, and growled, “Never
> hold cards—5, 6 and…!” I pulled the dance back together, and still follow
> that rule.
> The incident in Tucson was extra ridiculous, because
> I had actually suggested Inflation Reel to the caller for those very
> reasons. I was splitting an evening Intro to Contra hour with an
> experienced MWSD caller who loves contras but (it turned out) fundamentally
> did not understand teaching them or calling for beginners. He had never
> presented them to the local dancers, so no one had any experience at all.
> Unfortunately, as the “ranking” person he wanted to go first.  I don’t
> remember what I used for the second dance, but it was pure recovery.
> As for why it failed…yes it was taught and called poorly, but the MWSD
> world itself has also changed; the notion of a lengthy (8 count) swing is
> foreign to many dancers, as are fitting figures to the phrase, 8-count
> timing, memorizing a sequence, or interpreting calls in the absence of
> direct instructions.  The dancers themselves have also slowed down.
> Inflation Reel can break at numerous points on these fronts, depending on
> what the caller does.
> Neal
> On Tue, Sep 26, 2023 at 9:12 AM Tony Parkes <> wrote:
>> Ah, Neal’s post stirred memories…
>> True, context is everything, but I was a bit surprised to read that
>> MWSDers had trouble with Inflation Reel. I (not Don Armstrong) wrote it and
>> Shadrack’s Delight specifically to appeal and be accessible to both trad
>> and MWSD groups. I’ve used both dances at Intro to Contra sessions at
>> National SD Conventions, with no trouble. Perhaps the caller at the Tucson
>> event was relatively new to contras and/or hadn’t worked out how to present
>> Inflation. (Note: On occasion I’ve used Inflation as a first contra with
>> MWSD peeps, and avoided the wait at the ends by calling Trade By after the
>> Pass Thru. [Trade By = those facing a couple Pass Thru, those facing out
>> Partner Trade… which takes care of the cross over.])
>> And I have fond memories of my two summers with the Lloyd Shaw
>> Fellowship, an invitational group that was the predecessor of the Folk
>> Fellowship. (I didn’t realize the FF lasted into the 21st century.) John
>> Bradford was one of several respected callers in that world, which
>> straddled the trad square and MWSD worlds. Others were Gib Gilbert and Bob
>> Howell.
>> It was Don Armstrong who got me an invitation to the Shaw Fellowship, and
>> who made me a household name among MWSD-affiliated contra callers by
>> publishing Inflation and Shadrack, first in Sets in Order magazine (of
>> which he was Contra Editor) and shortly thereafter in the Contra Manual
>> that he wrote for SIO. He recorded the calls for both dances on the Lloyd
>> Shaw label (using music I wouldn’t have chosen, but you can’t have
>> everything).
>> Tony Parkes
>> Billerica, Mass.
>> New book! Square Dance Calling: An Old Art for a New Century
>> (available now)
>> *From:* Neal Schlein via Contra Callers <
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, September 26, 2023 10:51 AM
>> *To:* Jerome Grisanti <>
>> *Cc:* Michael Fuerst <>; Shared Weight Contra
>> Callers <>
>> *Subject:* [Callers] Re: Most difficult contras
>> I have a couple of answers that are not exactly on-topic, because the
>> answer is contextual:
>> Inflation Reel by Don Armstrong when attempted at a MWSD convention in
>> Tucson.  (I was dancing.)
>> Anything called to the Eastern-European-style band that played in Bend,
>> Oregon circa November of 2003. (I was calling, it was their first time
>> playing for a dance.)
>> A contra written for the caller’s son’s wedding and pre-tested at the
>> Folk Fellowship dance camp, circa 2002; it was the first time most (any?)
>> of us had encountered an Orbit.  In the camp yearbook notes it said that
>> John Bradford had deemed the dance, “the greatest mixer ever
>> written…although there was some question whether it was supposed to be
>> one.” (This was a closed group and an expert caller with 50+ years
>> experience. In my entire life, I have never seen another dance devolve like
>> it. Couples peeled from the end and individuals were staggering out of the
>> middle of the line because they were so disoriented, yet somehow it
>> continued to grind on.  The dance went off phrase, out of rhythm, the
>> caller himself got lost and couldn’t maintain the sequence…in the end he
>> didn’t even cut the music off for us; the line just fatally disintegrated
>> all at once. )
>> Neal
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