         ChipSet 用哪一家的哪一種?
-----Original Message-----
From: 朱宏仁 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 2:24 PM
Subject: Re: [cn85] FW: P4-2.2GHz 操到3.5GHz方法

我用了你們的主機板,還不錯,我弟買了一個1.6G的 Northwood.
這樣的話,若我用166Mhz的 Dram(333 DDR),變成一定要買2.6G以上的CPU。
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 12:56 PM
Subject: [cn85] FW: P4-2.2GHz 操到3.5GHz方法

-----Original Message-----
From: Pondersen Shen(沈玉龍)
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 11:26 AM
Subject: P4-2.2GHz 操到3.5GHz方法



English summary!

Today we cooled the new Intel Northwood 2,2GHz CPU with liquid nitrogen (LN2 -196°C).

The motherboard used in the tests was Asus P4B266 based on the Intel 845 chipset (DDR). There was a voltage modification on the motherboard which allowed the VCore to be raised as high as we needed. The memory module was Crucial PC2100 128MB and memory settings were the fastest possible (CAS 2 2-2-5).

We used a copper bowl on top of the CPU and poured some LN2 into it. It took a while until the CPU temperature started to drop and when it was cold enough, we started the test.

First test was run at 3300MHz (FSB 150MHz) and with no problem at all (VCore 1,9V). The next step was rather high but after raising Vcore to 2,05V Northwood worked stable at 3520MHz (FSB 160MHz). We went on with the tests and finally hit the limit.

We were able to boot to Windows 2000 when the CPU clock frequency was 3675MHz (FSB 167MHz) but we couldn't run any benchmark programs. The highest STABLE CPU clock frequency we were able to reach was 3630MHz (FSB 165MHz). At 3650MHz we were able to run heavy benchmark programs such as SuperPi and Pifast successfully although the VCore was quite high (2,12V). It seems that Pentium 4 can handle it without any conflicts.

Check out the pictures above

I think the 3675MHz Wcpuid-shot we were able to get can be considered as the overclocking world record at this moment (17/01/2002), but I'm pretty sure the Japanese will try to beat it as soon as possible

BTW, Quake 3 Arena was quite fun to play when the CPU was running at 3500MHz! o_O

