> "instead of just relying on the default" - I assume you're referring to the 
> default shard. All yang modules for which there isn't a shard specified in 
> the .conf files are stored in the default shard. I suspect in your case the 
> previous journal backup had the yang module in question stored in the default 
> shard. However you had a specific shard defined in the .conf files so it went 
> to that shard to read the data. The data in the default shard still exists 
> and was restored but it just can't be accessed b/c reads/writes go to the 
> specific shard.

Totally explains what I'm going through.

Is there a way to port data over from my older Beryllium controller
backup, which used the default shard, to my new Boron controller that
uses module-specific shards? Can I perform the restore first, and then
use the cluster-admin RPC to create the shards to move data over from
the default to the module-specific shard?
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