> I am really upset. I sent this bug/fix in for RC1 and again for RC2, and
> then for the last test version and you still haven't fixed it. When
> installing the Firewall by default snort DOES NOT HAVE the proper
> permissions to the /var/log/snort directory. I was told by the Mandrake team
> each time that it would be fixed in the next version and I find that in the
> Final version the bug is still there. Once again, here is the problem.
> The directory /var/log/snort has permissions: drw------- and should have
> drwx------. Also snort needs to be the owner for /var/log/snort and the
> sub-files/directories. 
> If the permissions above are not correct, snortd will abort as soon as it's
> started.
> If I sound upset it's because I am. I reported this bug and the fix for it
> at least three times and three times I was told it would be fixed in the
> next release. It never was. My company is looking at setting up our clients
> with this excellent firewall/intrusion detection system. How can we
> recommend that they buy it if it DOESN'T WORK.????

Hello there,

you are upset ? This is understandable.
Now, what version are we talking about ?
I thought we've fixed that already, ages ago...
make sure you have the latest version, and I'll check here too...

Florin                  http://www.mandrakesoft.com

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