and another thing:

it would be nice if you guys would show your config files (without the
important information .. use fake ips etc) in order to help other people
in using the snf.

please don't attache your config files but insert them in the body of the

thank you,

>bascule <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> hi florin,
> thanks for replying, i think i might not have been clear, i can enable both 
> active and passive ftp through snf to the actual ftp box, just not both at 
> the same time, the change to enable either is made in the config of proftpd 
> and not on the snf which has ports 49152,49153 forwarded to the actual ftp 
> box, the ftp box has proftpd set up to offer passive connection s on those 
> two ports and this works fine as long as proftpd also has the ip address of 
> snf in its config as well, however specifying the ip address of the firewall 
> in proftpd stops active ftp from working, commenting out the relevant line in 
> /etc/proftpd.conf allows active but breaks passive ftp, the suggested 
> solution from the proftpd list was the following
> ---snip----
> On your firewall, what you need to do is load the ip_masq_ftp 
> modules with the following aguments
> modprobe ip_masq_ftp in_ports=20,21,49157,49153
> ----snip-----
> my question is that i don't know anything about 'ip_masq_ftp' my snf is all 
> set up via the web interface, is this proposed solution applicable to snf, 
> does snf use this 'ip_masq_ftp' whatever it is, if so where do i put this to 
> be permanent assuming it works), i want to try this 'solution' but i don't 
> wnat to break anything !
> bascule
> On Friday 07 Dec 2001 2:09 pm, you wrote:
> >
> >
> > Unfortunately, one cannot forward the 49152 port of the firewall to the 21
> > port of the real server. The forwarding used in the SNF frontend assumes
> > that the source and the destination ports are identical.
> >
> > This might change in the future versions ...
> >
> > cheers,


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