bascule <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> i discovered i didn't, copies of the previous /etc/passwd and /etc/group had 
> them so i renamed them but that didn't work so i put them back, do i use 
> useradd to create them and if so what about passwords and permissions?
> bascule
> >
> > make sure you have a user called admin and a group httpd-naat in
> > /etc/passwd and /etc/group files, and then update the package again.

simply use the infos provided by the naat-backend post-scripts:


grep -qw 'naat-console' /etc/shells  || \
        echo "/usr/bin/naat-console" >> /etc/shells

# Add admin group exist if doesn't exit
grep -q '^admin:' /etc/group || \
        /usr/sbin/groupadd admin 2> /dev/null

# Add the admin user (for console) if doesn't exist
grep -q '^admin:' /etc/passwd  || \
        /usr/sbin/useradd -c "Administrator"  -g admin -G adm -d /home/admin \
        -s /usr/bin/naat-console admin 2> /dev/null

grep -q '%admin' /etc/sudoers || \
echo "%admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/ , 
/usr/share/naat/scripts/*" >> /etc/sudoers;
#echo "%admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/ , 
/usr/share/naat/scripts/sumtraffic" >> /etc/sudoers;
/bin/chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers

do the same thing for httpd-naat

grep -q '^admin:' /etc/passwd || \
  /usr/sbin/useradd -c 'Administrator' \
        -d /home/admin -G adm -s /bin/bash admin

grep -q '^httpd-naat:' /etc/passwd  || \
        /usr/sbin/useradd -c "Httpd Naat Admin" -s /bin/bash -M \
         -d /var/www-naat -G admin,apache httpd-naat


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