If rpm reports that portions of X depend on XF-4.0.3, then you need to get the corresponding packages for XF-4.1 - paste the errors into a message and we'll help you figure this out.


David C. Hacker, DVM wrote:
That is what I done first but it says that several of the other parts of
XFree86 need version 4.0.3. I don't know why the whole XFree isn't one
package so it could upgrade the whole thing at once.

From: Ian White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2001 13:33:46 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Upgrading to XFree86 4.1.0

For starters, never ever ever ever ever ever use --force or --nodeps.
Everything has proper depenancies to make sure you don't have errors. When
you try and force your way around that, odds are you're going to break
something. If you can't figure out a dependency, post the error message
here so somebody can tell you what additional RPM you need.

Download the XFree86 packages mentioned below. Them from a command line,
ask it to upgrade them. Something like:
rpm -Uvh XFree86*
If it complains about a dependency, add whatever is missing to the end of
the command line, after the XFree86*. Just don't force anything and then
complain that it isn't working..

What does the output of this show:
rpm -q -a |grep XFree86


On Sun, 15 Jul 2001, David C. Hacker, DVM wrote:

OK so now I know which RPM's I need but I still don't know how to go about
upgrading. If I force install the new ones then I end up with 2 versions
installed if I try to erase the old ones I get dependencies errors. Any

From: Brice D Ruth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2001 10:00:02 -0500
Subject: Re: Upgrading to XFree86 4.1.0

I've tried installing XF-4.1, but I ended up with a configuration that
didn't work - just an FYI. Besides the two RPMs you list below, you
probably need the following as well:

(XFree86-devel) <-- if installed
(XFree86-static) <-- if installed

To see all the XF RPMs installed on your system, do something like this:

$ rpm -qa | grep -i xfree86


David C. Hacker, DVM wr ote:

I downloaded the XFree86-4.1.0-2mdk.ppc.rpm and
XFree86-libs-4.1.0-2mdk.ppc.rpm files and tried to install them with rpm -U
but got dependency problems. Using --force just gives you 2 installed
versions when I do rpm -q XFree86. What is the best method to isntall
RPM's and get rid of the old XFree86 4.03? Thanks

Ian White

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