On Wed, 29 Aug 2001, Peter Cross wrote:

> I am having a very similar problem on my iMac 350. I did have X 
> working under the 8.0 beta, but it stopped working after I updated 
> using RC1. My latest full install (including reformatting the / and 
> home partitions) of 8.0 (final) still hasn't helped and I can't start 
> X.

Have either of you toyed with using "video=", append option with yaboot?


append=" video=aty128fb:vmode:17"

See the install CD for an example.  I use to always need to use similar
append commands, until 2.4.4 with X 4.03, and it doesn't seem to be
necessary anymore on my machines.

Stew Benedict

MandrakeSoft    OH/TN, USA      http://perso.mandrakesoft.com/~sbenedict/
PPC Faq: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=mandrake-cooker-ppc&m=99441208917647&w=

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