On Thu, Sep 06, 2001 at 10:17:08AM +0200, Dick Visser wrote:
> add a line like this to /etc/modules.conf:
> eth1  airport
> that automagically loads airport hermes etc.

I've had trouble with the kernel automagically loading the other two
modules.  So I never tried putting that in modules.conf.  I'll give it a
try before I reboot next time.

BTW you want:
alias eth1 airport

> then add appropiate keys to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
> see man iwconfig for those keys

This is something else I didn't know.  However iwconfig doesn't define
the correct variables to set in the ifcfg.  You can find a complete list
in the ifup command by searching for iwconfig.

However, the two important ones for me are:

At any rate thanks for this information.  Now I don't need my airport
startup script anymore (assuming this works).


Wizard's First Rule - People are stupid, they will believe anything
if they want it to be true or they fear it is true - Terry Goodkind

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