On Tue, 11 Sep 2001, Stew Benedict wrote:

SB> On Tue, 11 Sep 2001, Ryan C. Gordon wrote:
SB> >
SB> > Are ReiserFS and/or ext3 stable for PPC?  If so, has anyone got
SB> > recommendations for the best way to get them installed on Mandrake/PPC? I
SB> > just kicked the plug out of my iMac, and had to suffer the wait through a
SB> > fsck.  :)
SB> >
SB> ReiserFS endian-safe patches are in place.  I did a bit of testing a while
SB> back and found no issues with it.  The installer is not setup to propose
SB> Reiser at the moment on PPC.  In my testing, I made a spare partition
SB> Reiser, then transferred my data, using the reiser tools, edited fstab and
SB> proceeded to use the new partitions.  I did not try to use Reiser on "/".
SB> ext3 is an unknown to me on PPC at this time

What is the procedure then if I want to run Reiser on all my partitions?
Should I boot from the CD and makefs the partitions before I start the
install program? Will the instlal program honor already "formatted"

Henrik Edlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"You're young, you're drunk, you're in bed, you have knives; shit
happens." -- Angelina Jolie

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