On Sun Sep 16, 2001 at 05:30:52PM -0400, Zack wrote:

> >Perhaps we should set up a repository for these;
> I think this is a great idea! I realize, with Wintel architecture, video settings 
>and possiblities can be endless.  But, as you said, with Mac Hardware, the video 
>settings and possiblities are fairly low in number, and would only require a few 
>different config files to be swapped around.
> Hopefully many people will be willing to share!
> I personally have yet to get xfree86 working on my PowerMac 4400 series machine.  
>I'm using xpmac, and I'm passing kernel arguments with bootx to get it to change bit 
>depth and resolutions, as necessary.

I'm willing to be on the receiving end... =)  I'm still using xpmac on
my imac G3 "indigo" machine and have yet to get XFree86 4.x working on
it yet.

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