On Wed, 19 Sep 2001, Denis HAVLIK wrote:

> I have absolutely no experience with mac, also: what is a macs equivalent
> of SMB protocol, which linux tool does the work, and how is it done?
> Links would bew fine, but I'm above all interested in personal
> experiences...


this is a dedicated list for "the equivalent of smb for macs".
I have to warn you, the available implementation of this software is quite
buggy :(

                             Dick Visser
  *    ***               TIENHUIS consultancy
 **   *   *          Linux, networking, security
  *   * ***    J. Catskade 10h    Phone: +3120 6843731
  *   * * *    1052 BW Amsterdam    Fax: +3120 8641420
  *   **  *    The Netherlands     Cell: +3162 2698108
  *   *   *    WWW:             http://www.tienhuis.nl
  *   *   *    Email:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ***   ***     PGP-key: http://www.tienhuis.nl/pgp.key

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