On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Olivier Thauvin wrote:

> I have do this install on a G4 powerbook with 256 Mo RAM with only the 1st 
> CDrom, the 2nd not already mirror but in way.
> 1) During install I choose to install samba in Network server, It want to 
> install it it ask me to install xinetd. Are you sure samba need xinetd ?
> But Proftpd does not need xinetd, I checked it before.

Not sure, I suppose it does if the requires are calling for it.  That
isn't really a PPC specific issue, but package related.

> 2) Keyboard always in english during the install

You have to do an expert install to get to keyboard selection, I believe.

> 3) I have use only the first Cd, when I want setup a printer in the box name 
> "Résumé", it cannot install the foomatic package: error is "not found"

My error - foomatic was not on the ISO's.  I'm having a hard time picking
what programs to be left out, as there are easily 3CDs worth. I've added
foomatic to the list to be included. 

> 4) During the yaboot setup, why is it imossible to choose another label as 
> darwin, macos or macosx ?

You should be able to edit any label, no?  Those are are just base

> 5) Xfree setup, I have select Tipoxerbook as screen but there the 1152x768 
> resolution, this is the normal resolution for this machine. We can only 
> select colors in 16 bits, is it normal ?

Sounds like the VideoRam is not being detected to allow full depth.
There is a way to get to the other resolutions, at least in expert
install, but I don't remember the steps now off the top of my head. 

> All after is after the reboot
> 6) Some kernel module has unresolv symbols
> Feb 21 00:45:57 orion depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in 
> /lib/modules/2.4.17-17mdk/kernel/drivers/scsi/fdomain.o.gz 
> Feb 21 00:45:57 orion depmod: depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in 
> /lib/modules/2.4.17-17mdk/kernel/drivers/scsi/pcmcia/fd
> omain_cs.o.gz 
> Feb 21 00:45:57 orion depmod: depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in 
> /lib/modules/2.4.17-17mdk/kernel/drivers/video/tridentf
> b.o.gz 

Known - bad modules.  Shouldn't harm anything unless you own that
hardware, and should only be seen at first boot.

> 7) smb startup failed
> Feb 21 00:46:33 orion smbd: smbd: error while loading shared libraries: 
> libacl.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No
>  such file or directory
> Feb 21 00:46:33 orion smb: smbd startup failed
> Feb 21 00:46:33 orion nmbd: nmbd: error while loading shared libraries: 
> libacl.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No
>  such file or directory
> Feb 21 00:46:33 orion smb: nmbd startup failed
> 7) amd startup failed
> Feb 21 00:46:27 orion amd: /usr/sbin/amd: error while loading shared 
> libraries: libamu.so.2: cannot open shared object 
> file: No such file or directory
> Feb 21 00:46:27 orion amd: amd startup failed

Looks like some more missing libs on the CD's.

[stew@powerbook-cooker bin]$ rpm -qf /lib/libacl.so.1

[stew@powerbook-cooker bin]$ urpmf libamu.so.2

Added to the list, as well as foomatic.

> 8) I have some problem with the keyboard, I have choose the default (french) 
> and the keymap load is fr-latin1. This keymaps is not good for a mac.

See Sylvain's document on keymapping I posted yesterday. It is possible to
switch back to Mac keymaps, which correspond more closely to the printed
keys on a French keyboard.

> That's all for this evening !

Thanks for the feedback.

Stew Benedict

MandrakeSoft    OH/TN, USA http://people.mandrakesoft.com/~sbenedict/
PPC FAQ: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/demos/PPC/FAQ/

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