On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, Ryan Donahue wrote:

> I am new to this mailing list and am despterate for a solution.  I have LM 
> 8.0 installed on my iBook 466 SE.  Install seemed to go quite smoothly but 
> when I restarted the machine, after the splash screen popped up with the 
> star and showing all the packages loading, the screen simply goes to 
> vertical bars and freezes.  I have tried installing twice, once with the 
> iBook 800x640 res option and once with the iMac/PowerMac 1024x720 res 
> option, neither seem to work.  Does anyone know a solution for this?  Thanks 
> in advance

May not be a solution, but may aid in debugging the real problem.  Append
"textboot" to your boot selection so you can see the real boot messages.
Aurora sometimes will not reflect where the real problem is occuring.

Stew Benedict

MandrakeSoft    OH/TN, USA http://people.mandrakesoft.com/~sbenedict/
PPC FAQ: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/demos/PPC/FAQ/

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