Le dim 17/03/2002 à 09:18, Christian Walther a écrit :
> Second, X keymap. Sylvain's guide says:
> > in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
> > Option «XkbModel»
> > pc105 (default) : Linux keycodes
> > macintosh : mac keycodes
> > 
> > Option «XkbLayout»
> > xx (default) : keymap for Linux keycodes
> > macintosh/xx : keymap for mac keycodes (is it exists, see
> > /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/macintosh/)
> This is (in my opinion - but I don't understand that whole xkb system very
> well) not entirely correct.
> First, if you are using Linux keycodes, you can use "macintosh" as XkbModel
> as well, because ...xkb/rules/xfree86 maps model "macintosh" to keycodes
> "xfree86". (But this still doesn't give you a fully usable MacOS-like
> keyboard, because the Mac keyboard has no AltGr key and thus you can't reach
> the secondary characters. Also, the Command key doesn't seem to be mapped to
> anything (but I couldn't verify this as I didn't have xev installed).)
> Second, if you are using Mac keycodes, you should not use XkbModel
> "macintosh", but "macintosh_old", because ...xkb/rules/xfree86 maps model
> "macintosh" to keycodes "xfree86" (Linux keycodes) and "macintosh_old" to
> keycodes "macintosh" (Mac keycodes).
> Third, if you specify "macintosh/xx" as XkbLayout, the X server complains
> about not finding "macintosh/macintosh/xx". You just have to use "xx"
> because the "macintosh/" directoy part gets added automatically by
> ...xkb/rules/xfree86.
> Except for those errors, Sylvain's guide was very helpful.

I must admit I'm not an expert in keycodes, but anyway, what I wrote
works! ;-) 
Examining your proposition, it seems you can either use macintosh and
macintosh/xx or macintosh_old and xx, respectively for XkbModel and
XkbLayout. But you can't use macintosh_old and macintosh/xx it seems, as
you reported.
Setting the XkbModel to macintosh for linux keycodes doesn't give
exactly the same result as pc105, so i prefer pc105. And anyway, i guess
Stew tries to keep ppc files near to x86 ones, and pc105 is used on x86.
I'll update the guide to avoid the change for XkbLayout (by setting
XkbModel to macintosh_old), if no objection.

Thanks for your comments!


Sylvain OBEGI 
ICQ : 661913 

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