Hey Colin, 

How's that iBook2 how-to coming along? Mandrake 8.2
either 'working' or 'not working' on mine is the
deciding factor on whether or not I keep my iBook or
it goes to eBay...

So I have high hopes that the final actually 'works'.
Did you have to do the modem tweak thing to get it
working, or did it just work by default? 


--- Colin Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well after a few days uptime and a little tweaking
> (new kernel and such) I
> have a working ibook2(may 2001), 500/CDRW/384/10.
> Most things working
> straight from install including sound, 16bit color,
> modem, network,
> printing, CD burning.
> Also have a working control center (seemed to be
> broken in 1st beta), but if
> I use hardware detection most of the information is
> blacked/grayed out.
> Everything in KDE seem to work fine, but gnomes not
> so good. Only spent 10
> minuets in there because everything kept crashing, I
> didn't write down what
> the prompt kept telling me, but I will later and
> report here so it can maybe
> get fixed. Enlightenment seems to work very well
> though, not my type of
> thing but it looks and sounds very pretty.
> Another thing was the login screen, it won't display
> right and looks ugly,
> and its hard to pick a different manager as well as
> password/login
> information. This was fixed though once I installed
> a newer kernel
> (2.4.19-pre4). I also have a working battery
> monitor/APM after the new
> kernel install, very useful.  Thatıs about all I've
> done so far. Will get
> the gnome info to you all after I've had another
> look.
> Overall this is a huge improvement on the 1st beta.
> One thing though, in the graphical installer you
> don't get the choice of
> adding OSX or another OS to your boot menu in yaboot
> (you do in 8). I had to
> manually do it once install had finished. All in all
> though I'm pretty
> please with it. Keep up the great work
> Colin

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