Le Dimanche 31 Mars 2002 00:50, Stew Benedict a écrit :
> On Sat, 30 Mar 2002, Olivier Thauvin wrote:
> > I installed my ppc with only the first cd, I choose to install samba but
> > it wouldn't start because libattr.so is missing.
> >
> > On my x86 box I have:
> > [root@virgo perlpgrpm]# rpm -qf /lib/libattr.so.1
> > libattr1-2.0.1-1mdk
> >
> > Can you fix before last release ?
> > Thanks.
> Someone else mentioned samba problem - now I know why.  I'll add to
> rpmslist, along with your libxmms-devel.
> Stew Benedict

During your vi/emacs on rpmlist, can you add libglade?-devel ?
If I remember, It is missing.


Linux pour Mac !? Enfin le moyen de transformer
une pomme en véritable ordinateur. - JL.
Olivier Thauvin - http://nanardon.homelinux.org/

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