On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, Tom Hutchinson wrote:

> Hi   right now i have Mac OS X and 9 on one partition and Mandrake 8.2b2 
> also installed    it works fine except when i tell Mac OS to switch to 
> boot into the other version(ie in OS X say to boot into OS 9 next time) 
> yaboot doesn't come up         just booting into mac os is ok but when i 
> switch between the two it makes the computer boot directly into Mac OS 
> so i have to do setenv boot-device hd:9,\\tbxi (which makes things fine 
> again)   are you there any apps for MacOS that will let me switch which 
> ide like to boot into "safely"?     is there a yaboot entry i can make 
> to manually saw to boot into OS 9(or X)   then i could just leave macos 
> always set on one but when i wanted to boot to the other just select it 
> in yaboot?

As far as I know, it only works that way if they are on seperate
partitions.  I haven't used OSX myself. Have you tried the method of
holding down "Option" at boot and see if OS9 and OSX and Linux are

Stew Benedict

PPC FAQ: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/demos/PPC/FAQ/

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