On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 10:44:18AM -0400, Luis M wrote:
> after rebooting in level 3 the computer stood there waiting forever for
> a dhcp server to assign the ip's for the network interfaces (i did added
> my airport, but I'm using my ethernet port, for which I have a dhcp
> server running locally. not sure if ppp or airport cause this to happen)
> solve that issue after re-booting (yes, got tired of waiting), made sure
> that airport was not activated at boot, same for ppp, and didn't use the
> /etc/init.d/internet init script, just network init script. that solved
> that .

Actually that has nothing to do with DHCP.  Say no to "Start this
connection at boot?" in the installer.  It's asking if you want to
dialout at boot up and well this feature is bugged and hangs.

As an aside and it's not just you.  Please don't posts long install
reports.  It's much easier to read and get through your email if you
break out the issues in separate emails.  "mandrake 8.2 b2 report (clean
install)" really doesn't help me in deciding if I need to read your 4.5k
email.  I'll admit I used to do the whole one long email thing too until
I realized how difficult it was to read these emails versus a single
issue per email.  At any rate please don't take this as meaning you
shouldn't post your results...


What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless,
whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism
or the holy name of liberty and democracy? - Ghandi

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