On Sat, 13 Apr 2002, sharon wrote:

> I started testing back a 8.2b1 but had to stop because of time
> constraints.  Finally got some time last night so did a clean install of
> 8.2b2 and updated XFree with Dave's reworked X4.2.0.
> System:
> G4 tower DP/450 (Gigabit Enet model)
> ATI 128 Rage Pro AGP
> Apple Studio Display 17" (Graphite CRT with ADC connector)
> 384 ram
> Drive 0: 20 gig IDE, OS9/OSX separate partitions
> Drive 1: 10 gig IDE, Mandrake
> This video card/monitor seems to be either very picky or just screwed up
> because I had a hell of a time getting X to start.  I still have to
> start it manually but I am now happily running X at 1024x768x16.  I'll
> do another post on the video issues because I have to sort them out and 
> remember what I did. :)
> There are a few sound issues but I will mess with them when I have time. 
>      For the record, 8-bit sound works in KDE as I get the start up 
> tune. Sound is not a priority for me on this box.
> By the way, this beast is dual processor, how do I check to see if both 
> are being used?  It is speedy enough, but figured I should check.

You need the SMP kernel for starters.  
cat /proc/cpuinfo 
Should show both processors once you install it.  I've never had an SMP
machine to try it.

> As for the rest of my hardware, everything works:
> (IDE) CDRom/DVD. At first, I was getting all kinds of odd errors trying
> to access this through the desktop or manually mounting.  I linked the
> devices (ln -s /dev/hdc /dev/cdrom), made a new icon and the problems
> went away. I never really understood the supermount stuff so don't
> know if that will break something else, but for now, it is working fine.
> (USB) Epson Stylus 740i. Works well.  It didn't autodetect in control
> center but when I manually picked it from the list, it showed right up.
> Did a photo test print and it worked perfectly with the colors just a
> tweak or two away from dead-on. Just wonderful!
> (USB) Zip 250 autodetected and mounted as /dev/sda4 on /mnt/zip. I made
> a desktop short-cut, and one click opens the drive in Konqueror. I'm 
> pretty sure the disk in there was formatted on a PC but I can read/write 
> to it just fine.  This really made my day.
> (USB) Logitech Optical Trackman Wheel. Works as advertised.
> (SCSI) Adaptec 2906 - never had a problem, always recognized.
> (SCSI) Mustek MFS-6000CX Flatbed 3-pass scanner hanging off the 2906. 
> Will wonders never cease!?! This scanner was my main reason for trying 
> Mandrake on this box as it is unsupported in OSX. Not only was this old 
> workhorse auto detected by name at boot, it worked in Kooka the first 
> time I tried it!
> Some little oddities here and there, but I haven't really spent enough
> time on it to troubleshoot or go through the archives here for known 
> fixes.  As it is, I got my scanner, got my GIMP and got my Zip so I'm 
> very happy.
> Stew, you da man!  Thanks.

Thank You ;^)

Stew Benedict

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