On Monday 29 April 2002 09:52, you wrote:
> Hi All,
> Thank you for earlier answers you have given. Now I have one more.
> I tried to install 2.4.18 smp kernel from rpm. The installation went
> well, and it updated also the yaboot.conf properly. When I then
> restarted and tried to use smp kernel, the start up process froze. It
> did showed two stars, so it found two processors. But it did not get
> far enough to write anything into logs. The last messages on the
> screen were:
> Ramdisk Driver initilized. 16 Ramdisks of 4096 K size 1024 block size.
> Uniform multi-platform E-IDE driver Revision 6.31.
> IDE: Assuming 33 Mhz system bus speed for PIO modes: override with
> ide bus = xx.
> Then nothing happens. I had similar symptoms in earlier version. At
> that time I compiled kernel version 2.4.19 successfully without
> ramdisk support. Can there be some problem related with ramdisks
> because I could get that part compiled when I tried last time? Also I
> could not get ramdisk and initrd support with 2.4.18 kernel. How can
> I get more exact information wha happens, because the logs are not
> used yet.
> Thank you for any information,
> Arto

Take a look at your yaboot.conf file and make sure that there is an initrd= 
line in the section for that kernel.  I had mine stop at that very point and 
the problem turned out to be the initrd= line in yaboot.conf got corrupted.

Just a thought.


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