On Wed, 1 May 2002, Christian Walther wrote:

> Because of the various flaws of the OldWorld-Installer-Applescript I've
> decided to write my own version:
>  http://www.n.ethz.ch/student/walthec/mandrake-install.sit
> Have a look at it. It should have no problems with international systems, it
> should find the necessary files on its own (and asks for them if it
> doesn't), and it tells the user how to specify the RAM disk in BootX
> (because this can't be automated). It works well on my PowerBook G3
> Wallstreet with MacOS 9.2.2 US, but I haven't tested it on any other system.

Thanks Christian.  The ramdisk size is setup by the current Applescript,
but I do appreciate your work on addressing the issues with script.

Stew Benedict

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