On 4 May 2002, Nick Texidor wrote:

> Well I've finally got my powerbook up and running with 8.2.. great job
> Stew, thanks!


> I had a couple of issues with the install that got me into a fine old
> mess.... i.e. the problem with configuring ethernet, airport and modem,
> and choosing the option to start an internet connection on boot... it
> would lock up indefinately.   So I would kill the laptop, then restart
> it hoping i could go through in Interactive mode and not start the
> Internet and Network services.. however the start up decided that the
> disk was not dismounted cleanly and it would do a check... which seemed
> to cancel out the 'I' that I had pressed to go into Interactive mode. 
> So I ended up in a continual loop I couldn't get out of.  If I was more
> experienved I may have been able to do something, but ended up
> reinstalling!

Yeah - that whole "start internet connection at boot" seems fubarred.

> One thing I am having troubles with is getting my digital camera to
> work.  I can plug it in and usbview correctly identifies the camera as a
> Kodak DC290... but where do I go from here??    gphoto doesn't support
> this camera, and I seem to recall a Kamera option in Control Panel under
> x86 8.1, but it's not in 8.2 on x86 or PPC.   So how do I get the
> photo's off the camera?  I tried the command like gphoto2 but couldn't
> get that to list the folders or images.  Any help would be appreciated.

I played briefly with ghoto2 and my Sanyo camera, with a USB-serial
adapter.  I didn't try listings, but I was able to pull individual pics
off of it, although it was picky about what baud rate I used.  Although
the camera is supported in gphoto, it doesn't seem to want to do the
usb-serial hookup, and neither one of my laptops have serial ports now.

Stew Benedict

PPC FAQ: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/demos/PPC/FAQ/

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