Please help getting clarification on this because not only myself has spent 
some time on this (add to FAQ?):

1) do not use swap as first partition if you generate partitions manually. 
Wizzard is generating "/", "swap" and "/usr" (if you selected seperate ones) 
or "/" and "swap" (if root and usr are merged).

2) if another disk (my own experience) was using other Linux partitions, also 
make sure "swap" is not first one (on other disk!!!!). No way (except 
unplugging 2nd disk or renaming with pdisk temporarily) to force installer to 
igore 2nd swap partition.
[I'm not trying to see what happens with 2 "swap"s (on 2 disks) ...]

3) trying to install on scsi disk "corrupted" swap partion of older LinuxPPC 
(other formatting?) on ide drive (I allowed to format all/both swap 
partitons). This resulted in no_swap of older LinuxPPC and required some 
manual intervention to re-enable swapping there. No way (except unplugging 
2nd disk or renaming with pdisk temporarily) to force installer to igore 2nd 
swap partition.

OOOPPPPPS  - big surprise in 4) wizzard in 8.2b2 (also 8.2) found partition 
overlap after I removed Linux PPC partitions on my ide drive completely and 
used all FREE space! (Note: I did generate partitions with pdisk manually and 
successfully installed LinuxPPC in past)
But with 8.2 installer, I had to add a gap to pass this point and keep 
installer happy!


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