On Sun, Jun 09, 2002 at 12:23:48PM +0900, Sean Schertell wrote:
> I'd really love to know if ANYONE has had a complete success story with 
> ANY Linux on a Radeon equipped PB G4 (550/667 MHz).  I've been 
> struggling for 3 months or so with various distros including Mandrake 
> 8.2, which installs like a dream, but then things get funky.  I'm 
> willing to plug away for another 3 months if someone out there can give 
> me a message of hope.  So has anybody gotten one these TiBooks 
> (W/Radeon) to run silky smooth with audio, hardware accelerated 
> graphics, sleep and wake functionality (that last one's important to 
> me) ???  How about KDE 3 with anti-aliasing?  XINE DVD Player?  If I 
> keep working at this, can Linux truly replace OS X for me without 
> crashing every time I close the lid?  Any words of encouragement or 
> advice would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!     -Sean

At least the sleep and the wake isn't going to work for now.  Apparently
there is a conflict between the video card and the power management.
Apple apparently worked around it yet but nobody on the Linux side has
figured it out yet and well Apple isn't sharing.  It'll get figured out
eventually but it's going to take a while.  When I first got my Titanium
some things didn't work quite right.  Now everything works.  It just
takes time.


We tend to see all wars through the lens of the current conflict, and we
mine history for lessons convenient to the present purpose.
- Brian Hayes

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