On Monday, June 10, 2002, at 07:21  PM, Henrik Edlund wrote:

> On Mon, 10 Jun 2002, targon wrote:
> t> is a very fast an stable OS. After a few days use i think its slower
> t> than OS X on my Dual 500 G4. Aside from the speed issue's i 
> must say im
> t> a little disappointed in the usability of the OS.
> Well, on my iBook2-500 (384MB) Mandrake 8.2 is about 10 times as fast
> doing most operations compared to MacOSX 1.1.5. Also MacOSX is so damn
> unstable it can hardly be used. I have at least one application crasch
> every day I run it, and I hate having to reboot after doing certain
> upgrades. MacOSX really sucks - let's see if Apple can release 
> something
> usable within a few years maybe.

Interesting, there must be something terribly wrong with mandrake 
on my Dual G4 then. It often takes up to 10 seconds to open a new 
window up from the item in the right mouse click menu. I fresh 
installed and only installed the packages on the left side of the 
mandrake package installer..that is the workstation packages (not 
games tho or scientific), i didn't install any of the server 

Often the Mandrake control center just hangs an becomes 
unresponsive. BTW what is the command to force quit an app? 
Control,Alt, Delete seems to force quit the window manager an 
then logs me out. Sometimes other apps just hang an the system 
becomes unresponsive. I use Gnome, could this be the place where 
the problems stem from? I don't think Linux it self has crashed.

> t> Is it just me having a miserable time with it or is this a standard
> t> life in Linux on PPC?
> As Obi-Wan said, it all depends on your point of view. To me OSX is
> miserable unusable, while Linux is perfect. And in the spririt of free
> software - if you don't like something - just dig in and fix it... :-)
> Best regards,
>   Henrik

While i agree OS X is far from perfect, for a first time user 
experience it's significantly smoother to install an start using 
without any hicupps. at least in my experience. Under Linux, the 
first 2 apps i tryed to configure (mandrake center, evolution 
mail) either hung an became unresponsive, or threw up an error at 
launch time. Thats not a very good start. When i decided to 
uninstall Mozilla from the mandrake software uninstaller i was 
forced to log out and the machine wouldn't let me log in 
resulting in a re-installation. Maybe im just very unlucky an my 
hardware is not suitable for mandrake linux but on the whole i 
get the feeling that Linux is no better than windows. It just 
seems to be unpredictable an does many freaky things. I Shall 
investigate Linux under AMD hardware, perhaps things are a little 
smoother and easier access to the newest versions of software.

I have totally become very much attached to the "Galeon" web 
browser, altho the version with 8.2 mandrakeppc is very old and 
buggy i assume the newer version is much more mature. But the 
newer versions seems unlikely to work on PPC due to it's 
dependence on Mozilla 1.0. Hopefully on the x86 side things are 

I like the UI customization in Gnome using Sawfish but i was 
curious as to if it is possible to customize it further? Im a 
long time mac user an find it unsettling to see the cancel button 
on the far right corner of dialogs. I'd like to be able to swap 
the buttons around so the ok button is on the far right. 
Additionally, i'd like some global way of assigning specific key 
commands to every app system wide.. eg Command+Q for quit. I 
notice some apps use alt+f4 while others use control+q and others 
respond to nothing. Are these things possible to anyones 

Does anyone think Gnome 2.0 will be a significant improvement on 
the version shipped with 8.2 Mandrake PPC?


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