On Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 11:35:54AM -0600, Vincent Danen wrote:
> I'm a little confused.  I can put the system to sleep if I'm in
> console mode and it wakes up just fine.  But if I'm in KDE3 when it
> falls asleep, the whole system hangs... it wakes up, shows my desktop,
> but the keyboard won't work (I can move the mouse, clicks don't work).
> I had thought that pmud wasn't working on this machine until I tested
> on the console... sure enough, it works peachy, just not in KDE3.
> IIRC, it worked in KDE2.  I haven't tried any other WM yet.
> Anyone else experience this and maybe now a workaround?
> BTW, KDE3 packages for 8.2/ppc should be hitting the mirror sites in
> the next few hours.  Other than a few quirks, they work for me... =)
> When 9.0 is final, or if any package has significant changes, I'll
> rebuild them and update them on the mirrors (in
> unsupported/8.2/ppc, BTW).
> I'll post a note when they seem to be hitting the rest of the world
> (currently uploading to our mirror host right now).

Being on vacation I've noticed this problem myself.  I have a Powerbook
G4 (Titanium) with the Rage 128 Mobility.  It wasn't until realtively
recently that I've had this problem.  So I think one of the security
updates did it actually.  I know stock 8.2 worked fine for me.  I
haven't taken the time to install each set of updates one by one until I
found the problem since I'm on vacation...


We tend to see all wars through the lens of the current conflict, and we
mine history for lessons convenient to the present purpose.
- Brian Hayes

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