On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 07:47:27PM +0200, Harald T. Zipko wrote:
> strange problem: clients connected to the internet via the mdk 8.2 box
> (dhcp-server) are not allowed to download files via ftp from the
> internet; other services are working without any problems (eg email
> transfer, browsing...) - do I have to open a special port in order to
> enable ftp download through the mdk-box (ftp download disabled due to standard 
> settings...)?

Set the clients to use PASV or Passive transfers in ftp and it ought to
work.  The other option is to load the ftp helper module
ip_conntrack_ftp and allow related connections in your iptables rule

-A FORWARD -p tcp -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

Searching google for some the conntrack module and RELATED and iptables
should yield some useful results.


Never take no as an answer from someone who isn't authorized to say yes.

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