On Thu, Oct 03, 2002 at 07:49:51PM -0600, Damon Garn wrote:
> Hmm This is an upgraded hd with OSX in the first 7.5GB and a data drive in
> the second 7.5GB, with the remaining 15 or so GB being free space (and being
> where I am attempting to put the "blessed partition", the /boot partition,
> the / partition and the /swap partition...
> How could I get yaboot into the first 2GB without repartitioning? Can it be
> installed thru OSX?

You can't.  Unless there is a utility like Partition Magic for the Mac.
But I'm not aware of one.    Best way to do it is to leave a 1MB
partition on the hard-drive as the first partition.  Then use that as
your boot strap.  Make sure to leave it as Apple_Free.  Otherwise the
installer won't to cooperate with you and use it.


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