On Mon, Nov 04, 2002 at 07:19:02AM -0500, Stew Benedict wrote:
> Olivier also tells me we still have issues with "noarch" packages, which I
> don't upload at all, as they are supposed to be updated in the PPC tree
> when the x86 version gets uploaded.  Here's the output of a quick script I
> wrote to check:
> [snip]
> How to get around this?  I can't really host everything on my web space,
> it's not really intended for that purpose.  You could create a 2nd cooker
> source, say "cooker-ppc-noarch", that points to the x86 tree, and then the
> latest version may get pulled in when you use urpmi. I haven't tested this
> but in theory it should work.

I've said it before and I'll say it again.  The arch's shouldn't be this
closely tied to each other...  cooker for i586 moves along at a clip
that you (Stew) can't possible hope to keep up with.  It's the reason we
have missing SRPMS, it's the reason we end up with missing noarch's.  

As far as I'm concerned you should have complete control over what goes
into the PPC tree.  You don't and that's stupid.  I can't imagine how
you can manage to get anything done.

If the i586 guys want to continue to control stuff going into the PPC
tree, perhaps they should actually start working on it, start accepting
patches for it.  Maybe Warly or someone should come over and do the PPC
work for a week.


"If you're not making any mistakes, you're flat out not trying hard
enough." - Jim Nichols

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