On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Alex Horvath wrote:

> Stew,
> where do you get the files to update ?
> I see you reference a file://, do I donwload files from somewhere using
> MacOS and put them in a directory that can be read by linux ?  or do i
> download them in linux ?

I'd recommend doing everything on the Linux side. 
urpmi.addmedia is your friend.  Olivier Thauvin has put together a nice
little tool to help you add urpmi sources:


Myself, I have it all here, since I'm building it, and then I nfs share it
to the other machines. (4 running various states of cooker - still
fighting with the installer on the 7600).

So in my case my urpmi source is an nfs mount from another machine or a
local directory:


[root@powerbook root]# cat /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg
cooker //mnt/nfs {
  hdlist: hdlist.cooker.cz
  list: list.cooker


[stew@rs6000 bin]$ cat /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg
cooker //mnt/disk/RPMS {
  hdlist: hdlist.cooker.cz
  list: list.cooker

If you are using a remote repository, yours will look slightly different.
man urpmi.addmedia goes into more detail.

Once you have your source setup, then staying up to date with cooker is
simply a matter of regularly doing

urpmi.update cooker
urpmi --auto-select

(That is once you've done the initial transition from 8.2->cooker)

Stew Benedict

PPC FAQ: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/ppcFAQ.php3
IRC: irc.openproject.net #cooker-ppc
Archives: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=mandrake-cooker-ppc&r=1&w=2

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