On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Craig Miller wrote:

> Hello All,
> I recently installed Mandrake 8.2 on my Powerbook (Pismo). I have
> discovered a problem, which I hope there is an answer for. X freezes
> upon wake up. The rest of the machine is fine (I can ssh into the
> powerbook and reboot it). If I am just in the console (read: not X),
> wake up works just fine.
> Here's what I have done to try to narrow the problem down (rebooting
> each time):
>      1. Installed my old YDL 2.3 Kernel (2.4.19-4a) - wake up works fine!
>      2. Installed the latest cooker-ppc kernel (2.4.19-19) - X Freezes :(
>            1. removed all kernel modules (that could be removed) -X still
>               Freezes :(
>      3. Decided to ask you folks

Yes, sleep is an ongoing issue.  YDL uses a pretty much pure BenH kernel,
while we're using kernel.org + Mandrake patches + ppc patches.  Ben's
stuff makes it into the main kernel tree, but slowly.  I've tried before
to patch in what I thought were the appropriate bits, but folks didn't
have much luck with them.

> I have been a YellowDog user for quite some time, but lately I have been
> disappointed by the older packages included in YDL. So I thought I would
> give Mandrake another go (I tried 8.0 about a year ago).
> If anyone has any tips on getting the PCMCIA slot to work (with an IDE
> Flash card), I would appreciate that as well.

Is the card flash or a micro-drive?  I'm using PCMCIA on my Lombard for
firewire, and just now popped in a Sandisk flash card, and see ide-cs is
gone from the current kernel 2.4.19-19mdk.  As a matter of fact, it looks
like very little PCMCIA is in there.  Not sure what happened there, but
I'll add it to my todo list.  

Looking at the stock 8.2 kernel there is no ide-cs either.

The update kernel at


Does have ide-cs.  Do the core pcmcia driver load?

> TIA,
> Craig....

Stew Benedict

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