On Fri, 31 Jan 2003, Dominique CORFA wrote:

> SB>Using Xpmac possibly?  It pays no attention to keyboard selections
> SB>done with any of the tools?  XFree4 is preferred.
> I use Xpmac.  I tried XFree86 but it crashed.  I do not find XFree4 on
> the Mandrake 8.2 PPC CD distribution I just buy.  I find it strange
> that the french keybord is not supported in this Mac distribution, as
> Mandrake is a french company...  I am trying to find my way in the
> many keyboard manadgment method.

Yes MandrakeSoft is a French company, but I'm not French and have no
machines with French keyboards.

By XFree4, I was referring to XFree86, version 4.x.

What type of iMac, and what type of video adapter?  We can probably
resolve the crash issue with a few more details.

Stew Benedict

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