On Saturday 08 February 2003 16:54, Christopher Molnar wrote:
> In the meantime OS/X seems pretty stable for my needs - just a little
> slower than I would like it.
> -Chris

Well, I have both and choose at boot time. I am pretty happy with YDL 2.3 at 
the time. I do like Mandrake (on my PC) but for the time being YDL runs 
better (at least on a rev2 iBook). Power Managment works mostly (however not 
closing the screen), my camera works (but it's an Olympus and connects as 
usb-storage - I don't use gPhoto but wrote a small tcl/tk program instead).
I'm afraid the modem problem will remain as long as Apple does not disclose 
the informations....


"I heard if you play the Windows XP CD backwards, you get a satanic message."
"That's nothing, if you play it forward, it installs Windows XP"

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